Let different images in mind float freely. Let things just happen naturally. Imagine landscapes that are unknown to you. See things with different shapes, colors and sounds. Imagine the things connecting with pre-existing things that are alike the things in this world. Take a moment to imagine this new world that is becoming real. Imagine the green colors of the leaves in the forest. Imagine the people co-existing with the elements of nature. Imagine all the things this world could contain. Imagine the world building itself. New elements start to emerge. Mysterious energies start to move things in this world. Follow the patterns of these energies. Expand your mind with these patterns.

Become aware of objects that have magical functions. These magical objects connects with everything around. These magical objects grants superpowers that can be utilized. Magical spells can be used to influence different places. Portals to other dimensions can be created. These dimensions flow everywhere. Different god entities can open different portals that can be used to direct energies. Imagine breathing energy of these portals. Take a moment to do this. Feel the portals radiating this vibrational energy that fills everything. Imagine energy flowing everywhere shaping the world.

See the places, beings and areas radiating this vibrational energy. This energy harmonizes with vibrational energy of grids of light. Imagine the light becoming brighter and brighter. Breathe in and out.

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