Quiet your mind.

See yourself in a place of wonder. Breathe in and out. See beautiful landscapes in this dark place. Feel your body relaxing in this place. Feel the warmth rising from the ground. Hear the wind in the trees behind you. Feel the warm wind blowing. Let the sounds relax your body. Imagine life in the place you are in right now. You hear nothing but the wind. Be in this dark place for awhile. See the stars shining in the sky. See the moon shining in the sky. See the light shining in distant cities. Become aware of distant landscapes around you. Mountains, lakes and forests. Imagine different creatures that might exist around you.

The sky start to change its colour. You see the sky becoming indigo. You can see the stars shining behind this indigo sky. Imagine universal consciousness moving all the things under the indigo sky. The places become alive. This universal consciousness becomes part of your consciousness. Let infinite possibilities fill your consciousness. Breathe energy of this universal consciousness. Let energy flow through you. Become one with this universal energy. Experience this energy moving with all life. Let everything flow naturally.

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