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Let your body relax. Imagine bright light entering in your body. Light moves downwards from top of your head. Let the light move slowly. Everything happens naturally. Let the light relax your head and face. The light moves downwards relaxing your throat and shoulders. The light moves downwards relaxing your arms, hands and fingertips. The light moves downwards relaxing your heart and lungs. The light moves downwards relaxing your stomach. The light moves downwards relaxing you waist and legs. Relax. Breathe in and out. Focus on your heart space. Affirm things in your mind. Breathe from center of your heart. Let the light become brighter and brighter. Feel the energy in your body. Be calm. Now imagine light expanding from center of your heart. Let the light created a shield around your body. Feel the warmth around. Know that you are safe in this place. Affirm things from your heart space. Affirm things that are moving and positive. Be in this place for awhile. External things don’t affect you. All influences are internal.

In 15 to 20 seconds you will find yourself in a hallway that leads you to a place where your positive affirmations can grow bigger. In this place all things are possible.

Now you find yourself in the hallway. On other side of the hallway you see a portal. This portal leads to the other dimension. Choose to enter this dimension in 15 to 20 seconds. Now enter through the portal. You find yourself in a place of total bliss. Let the energy of your positive affirmations flow through you everywhere. Intend to become one with your affirmations. Breathe in and out. Feel all the positive energies flowing naturally. Feel in your heart space how your affirmations grow bigger and bigger. Be in this place for some time. In 15 to 20 seconds you will be back in the place you were before.

Now you are back in the hallway. You find yourself in a blissful state.

Be in the state of bliss for a while. Let everything flow naturally. In few seconds you can feel yourself alert and feel better than before.

Open your eyes.

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