Breathe from center of your heart. Visualize a White light in your heart center. Affirm different things in your mind. Visualize the white light becoming brighter and brighter. Let all the positive energies to flow in your heart center. Let the effects of your affirmations to multiply with every heart beat.

Calm your mind.

Continue breathing.

Imagine yourself disappearing from this reality. Visualize yourself flowing through different dimensions. Let all the positive energies to fill your entire being. Feel yourself becoming calmer and calmer.

Become conscious of your inner environment.

Visualize all the positive energies flowing in your body.

Send all your gratitude to the universe.

Renew your views on different things.

Let yourself to become completely calm.

See yourself as a light in the darkness. Visualize yourself becoming brighter and brighter.

Breathe in and out.

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