Power thoughts

World is invisible waves of energy. See the external world. Life is in constant motion. The things move in constant here and now. The things can be perceived by consciousness. We can project our consciousnesses to outer world. We can expand our ways of thinking.

Power thoughts can be used to shape different ways of thinking. Think positive thoughts in order to become better in what you do. You can see things from level of body or you can see things from level of consciousness.

Imagine yourself operating at level of consciousness. Put energy on different things. Affirm in mind things such “I am creative, I create”. Notice how different things impact you. Become aware of many different view points. Widen your imagination. Imagine other people as consciousnesses.

Affirm different positive thoughts that impacts you positively. Tell yourself how different things work out easily. Feel the ease. Visualize the life working out effortlessly.

Feel the air around you.

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