
“Vakavan häiriötilanteen vuoksi kaupankäynti ja OP-mobiili kanavissa joudutaan keskeyttämään.
Aikataulua häiriötilanteen korjaukselle ja kaupankäynnin aloitukselle ei ole vielä tiedotettavissa. Pahoittelemme häiriön aiheuttamaa haittaa.  “

How can anyone write anything like this???

1 thought on “Translate:

  1. “Due to a serious disruption, trading on the service and OP mobile channels will have to be suspended.
    There is no information yet on the timetable for correcting the disruption and starting trading. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the disruption. ”

    “Due to a serious disruption, trading on the service and OP mobile channels will have to be suspended.
    The timetable for correcting the disruption and starting trading is not yet known. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

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