Tag Archives: writing

Mind space

Setting the mind

Setting the mind

Stretching the mind

Stretching the mind

Mindfulness in low vibrational environment

Mindfulness in low vibrational environment

Mind tripping

Mind tripping

Other minds

Other minds

Ethereal mind

Ethereal mind

Reprogramming the mind

Reprogramming the mind

Power thoughts

Power thoughts

Dynamics of creative flow

Dynamics of creative flow

Using nature as a tool for spiritual emancipation

Using nature as a tool for spiritual emancipation

Breathe from center of your heart. Visualize a White light in your heart center. Affirm different things in your mind. Visualize the white light becoming brighter and brighter. Let all the positive energies to flow in your heart center. Let the effects of your affirmations to multiply with every heart beat.

Calm your mind.

Continue breathing.

Imagine yourself disappearing from this reality. Visualize yourself flowing through different dimensions. Let all the positive energies to fill your entire being. Feel yourself becoming calmer and calmer.

Become conscious of your inner environment.

Visualize all the positive energies flowing in your body.

Send all your gratitude to the universe.

Renew your views on different things.

Let yourself to become completely calm.

See yourself as a light in the darkness. Visualize yourself becoming brighter and brighter.

Breathe in and out.

Breathe the air around you. Quiet your mind.

Put your attention to your third eye chakra. Notice all the energy in your third eye chakra. Visualize a portal in your third eye chakra. Visualize sun shining above you. Visualize sun rays and energy moving through the portal in your third eye chakra. Sense the energy moving through the portal. Let different affirmations to flow through the portal with the light and energy of the sun. Start empowering your affirmations. Let your affirmations to move and transform.

Feel the infinite space around you. Let energy to transform. Let yourself to become one with the energies in this infinite space.

Open your eyes and feel the energy in your third eye chakra.

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Let your body relax. Imagine bright light entering in your body. Light moves downwards from top of your head. Let the light move slowly. Everything happens naturally. Let the light relax your head and face. The light moves downwards relaxing your throat and shoulders. The light moves downwards relaxing your arms, hands and fingertips. The light moves downwards relaxing your heart and lungs. The light moves downwards relaxing your stomach. The light moves downwards relaxing you waist and legs. Relax. Breathe in and out. Focus on your heart space. Affirm things in your mind. Breathe from center of your heart. Let the light become brighter and brighter. Feel the energy in your body. Be calm. Now imagine light expanding from center of your heart. Let the light created a shield around your body. Feel the warmth around. Know that you are safe in this place. Affirm things from your heart space. Affirm things that are moving and positive. Be in this place for awhile. External things don’t affect you. All influences are internal.

In 15 to 20 seconds you will find yourself in a hallway that leads you to a place where your positive affirmations can grow bigger. In this place all things are possible.

Now you find yourself in the hallway. On other side of the hallway you see a portal. This portal leads to the other dimension. Choose to enter this dimension in 15 to 20 seconds. Now enter through the portal. You find yourself in a place of total bliss. Let the energy of your positive affirmations flow through you everywhere. Intend to become one with your affirmations. Breathe in and out. Feel all the positive energies flowing naturally. Feel in your heart space how your affirmations grow bigger and bigger. Be in this place for some time. In 15 to 20 seconds you will be back in the place you were before.

Now you are back in the hallway. You find yourself in a blissful state.

Be in the state of bliss for a while. Let everything flow naturally. In few seconds you can feel yourself alert and feel better than before.

Open your eyes.

Quiet your mind.

See yourself in a place of wonder. Breathe in and out. See beautiful landscapes in this dark place. Feel your body relaxing in this place. Feel the warmth rising from the ground. Hear the wind in the trees behind you. Feel the warm wind blowing. Let the sounds relax your body. Imagine life in the place you are in right now. You hear nothing but the wind. Be in this dark place for awhile. See the stars shining in the sky. See the moon shining in the sky. See the light shining in distant cities. Become aware of distant landscapes around you. Mountains, lakes and forests. Imagine different creatures that might exist around you.

The sky start to change its colour. You see the sky becoming indigo. You can see the stars shining behind this indigo sky. Imagine universal consciousness moving all the things under the indigo sky. The places become alive. This universal consciousness becomes part of your consciousness. Let infinite possibilities fill your consciousness. Breathe energy of this universal consciousness. Let energy flow through you. Become one with this universal energy. Experience this energy moving with all life. Let everything flow naturally.

Let different images in mind float freely. Let things just happen naturally. Imagine landscapes that are unknown to you. See things with different shapes, colors and sounds. Imagine the things connecting with pre-existing things that are alike the things in this world. Take a moment to imagine this new world that is becoming real. Imagine the green colors of the leaves in the forest. Imagine the people co-existing with the elements of nature. Imagine all the things this world could contain. Imagine the world building itself. New elements start to emerge. Mysterious energies start to move things in this world. Follow the patterns of these energies. Expand your mind with these patterns.

Become aware of objects that have magical functions. These magical objects connects with everything around. These magical objects grants superpowers that can be utilized. Magical spells can be used to influence different places. Portals to other dimensions can be created. These dimensions flow everywhere. Different god entities can open different portals that can be used to direct energies. Imagine breathing energy of these portals. Take a moment to do this. Feel the portals radiating this vibrational energy that fills everything. Imagine energy flowing everywhere shaping the world.

See the places, beings and areas radiating this vibrational energy. This energy harmonizes with vibrational energy of grids of light. Imagine the light becoming brighter and brighter. Breathe in and out.

World is patterned in a particular way.  There are many different angles on how things can be seen. Mirroring everything enables things to be seen differently. External things can influence internal things. Actions can influence certain range of energies and ideas. Ideas can be expressed outwardly. Ideas and expression can be linked. Extroverted people express things outwardly. Things can be linked from different angles. Inner ideas connect with outer ideas. Following action enables things to be expressed directly. Mindsets can be developed. Imagination is important. Focusing is important. Creating preferences can be helpful. Doing bunch of things externally and internally can influence mind. Do things that benefit particular way of life. Create bridges between inner and outer. If the people and influences distract you, try to find space where you can be.  Be by yourself, observe different people and look how they behave.

Energy can be felt in third dimensional world,  all stuff in the world is energy. Energy can be felt when being around different places. Energy forms different things and impacts stuff around. When we are looking at the world we are looking things in it and new details can appear. Actions require energy.

Energy moves with stuff that can be seen. Things flow naturally when energy flows. Forms require energy. Energy can be utilized. Mind can link different things to create art etc.

A cool music video from CC:
